Friday Favorites 11.21.14

Happy Friday, eager turkey eaters!

I always feel a little guilty celebrating Thanksgiving because it's such a made up happy holiday based on horrific acts committed during our country's formative years. But in true American fashion, I'm completely willing to put aside my morals in favor of delicious food, time off, and football.

Here are some of my favorites from this week (controversy free):

Last week I mentioned a Jeopardy! Tournament of Champions face off I was eagerly hoping for. Well, it happened! Tonight a new champion will be crowned - I'm secretly rooting for Julia just slightly more than Chu, but I'd be totally happy with either victory. 

The New York Times compiled 50 regional recipes to celebrate Thanksgiving in a fresh, local way all over the country. You can pick any state from a drop down and cheer for your home team or travel foodcariously somewhere else. I'll be using these way past turkey day because they all look delicious.

Humpback whales are making a "dramatic" comeback in New York Bay. "Researchers say that a cleaner bay and a growing population of fish for whales to feed on are responsible for the trend." 

This perfection was spotted somewhere in London.

Never have I had a favorite come from a devastating story like the library shooting at my alma mater FSU.  This student found a bullet in his backpack. Books save lives, yo.

Do you like candid snapshots of cats with their tiny tongues sticking out? Of course you do. Subscribe to the Blep subreddit and never have a cranky moment again.

Far Cry 3 is one of my favorite games ever. The fourth installment is even better than that; the location, the PS4 graphics, the new driving capabilities - I can't even decide what my favorite part is yet. I highly recommend picking up a copy and playing your heart out.