Friday Favorites 06.22.12

Happy Friday, little clementines!
Hope your week was just delightful.
How about some of my favorite stuff from this week?

Favorite Album:
Moon Safari - Air

Favorite Quote:
“Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward.”
- e.e. cummings

Favorite Style:

Favorite Read:
"The Symbolism Survey"
"In 1963, a sixteen-year-old San Diego high school student named Bruce McAllister sent a four-question mimeographed survey to 150 well-known authors of literary, commercial, and science fiction. Did they consciously plant symbols in their work? he asked. Who noticed symbols appearing from their subconscious, and who saw them arrive in their text, unbidden, created in the minds of their readers? When this happened, did the authors mind?"

Favorite Project:
This is Nine Inch Nail's Pretty Hate Machine, "re-imagined in its entirety on eight different 8-bit systems" and renamed as "Pretty Eight Machine."

Favorite Giggle:
The HBO Shop is selling this $30,000 Iron Throne from Game of Thrones

Naturally, some clever GoTers left reviews from the perspectives of different characters:

Favorite Super Geek:
Man, kids today are so lucky. Valve created Teach With Portals: a place for teachers to "share compelling, engaging and creative content for using Portal and Portal 2 in their classrooms." FYI: Lesson plans have already been posted. Valve, can we just get married already? I'm clearly in love with you.

Favorite Awesome:
If Harry Potter was just an episode on Are You Afraid of the Dark? this would have been the running theme music for sure. Kinda creepy, definitely awesome.

Favorite Activity:
Summer is for chumps. Planetariums in the summer: champs only. Here's a list of six US planetariums to visit this summer. Can I come with? I'll be your best friend..

Favorite Video:
Stop motion, check. Playmobil characters, check. Catchy summer pop song, double check. So how could this video about the perfect holiday possibly suck? 

So what were some of your favorites this week?
Share them with me, jerkface <3