Friday Favorites 10.21.11

Happy Friday, sweet peas!
Hope you had a fantastic week. 
The weather's just starting to get awesome here :)
Here's some stuff that made me happy:

Favorite Music:  Helplessness Blues -- Fleet Foxes

Favorite Preach:
you said it, sign!

Favorite Test: 
Are You Smarter Than A Wall Street Occupier?
Can you answer these super quick questions? Check out some of the "answers;" hysterical.

Favorite Style:

Favorite Gadget:  
Robot Tea Infuser
*you could also use this to flavor/scent oils, too

Favorite Giggle/Truth: Oxford Commas. Use them!
that's one hell of a party!

Favorite Read: "The Kids Are Actually Sort Of Alright"
In the current issue of New York magazine, Noreen Malone jumps through issues facing us twentysomethings and delivers a thought provoking, optimistic, and yet slightly haunting dose of reality. You can read it online here.

Favorite Video: 
Whale Fall (afterlife of a whale)

 What were some of your favorites this week? 
Link them to me in the comments below <3
 ps: I'm thinking about doing a Halloween Friday Favorites next week... :)