Friday Favorites 12.23.11

Happy Friday, gingerbread kids!
I hope you've all been extra naughty so Santa brings you all bad toys :)
Here's some stuff that made me smile:

Favorite Album:
A Very She & Him Christmas -- She & Him

Favorite Stocking Stuffers:

Favorite Awesome:
Do a Google search for let it snow and give it a minute. I love you, Google.

Favorite Giggle:
apathetic holiday cheer

Favorite Anticipation:
The Doctor Who Christmas special :D

Favorite Nerd Win:
2011 Action Figure Nativity Contest
There are some super geek ones in the mix, but you'd think less of me if I posted them here. 
mario, batman, gandalf... mulder & scully?

Favorite Video:
It's like a choose your own ending book. A simpleton can be kept amused for a long time. Not that I know from experience... 
Ok, yes I do.

Have any favorites you feel like sharing with me? Link them to me in the comments <3
I hope you all have an amazingly wonderful Christmas. 
But don't sleep with Fuller; he wets the bed.