Happy fall! This is probably my favorite time of year; Halloween, Thanksgiving, crisp nights, warm baking smells, and National Novel Writing Month.
I (unofficially) attempted NaNoWriMo last year, but I'm pledging myself to complete the task this month: 50,000 words in 30 days.
My writing buddy, Matzilla (who you can find over at Check It!), keeps updating his word count status (4,528 as of today, sigh) to keep me on track/interested/slightly competitive.
So I'm cheating a little bit because I'm not starting from scratch, but at least I'll be writing. Agenda: more writing, less editing.
I'll try to sync this with my Twitter so word counts and possible 'novel' excerpts show up here in the next few days.
Wish me luck :)
Word Count (11.4.10.) 1728.